Feelings are a barometer of the quality of your thinking. When you’re thinking about what you love, who you love – or any thoughts filled with love and positivity – the quality of your thinking is high; you’re calm, you have clarity and YOU FEEL GREAT!
I came away feeling like I was walking on air
I was dancing in my seat all the way home
You make me feel so happy, I wish I could bottle you guys and open it up just when I need a hit
You create an incredible atmosphere of love and fun in the room
I wanted the feeling to go on and on… I wish I could feel like that all the time
That’s just some of the feedback we got from our Summer Soirée in July.
Remember, people will forget what you say or do but they will never forget how you make them FEEL.
Incognito Artists’ reason for being is this: making people FEEL GREAT.
Yes life is short. Life is busy. Life is seriously complicated, now more than ever.
So relishing moments of magic and joy is what it’s all about. They give us heart for the game and make the inevitable moments of human suffering more bearable.
At Incognito, we take making you feel great very seriously. That may seem cheesy or contrived but, I assure you, it’s 100% from the heart.
Shine On

Just Notice