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How is your heart?

Until recently we were ‘suffering’ from the dis-ease of being busy


We asked each other the mechanical, ‘How are you?’ and the answer given was our to-do list. Far from feeling like we were living, many felt like they were just surviving on the treadmill of life. The modern dilemma was witnessed across our social media feeds, in the office, on the street. Technology has done so much to enhance our lives and to inform us – yet at what cost for our physical and mental health, our relationships, careers, and our kids?

And then something called COVID 19 made us stop.

It feels a bit like God or the Earth has sent us all to our rooms to think about what we’ve been doing.

An article by Omid Safi* asked the question

question ‘how did we end up doing this to ourselves? When did we forget that we are human beings, not human doings?’ In many Muslim cultures when you want to ask them how they are, you ask: in Arabic, Kayf haal-ik? Or, How is your heart? How is your heart doing at this very moment, at this breath? That is really what I want to know’.

Now we have the chance to ask each other: ‘How is your heart, right now, today? I’m listening. How can I help? Examine your heart and soul and tell me something about YOU.’

We have the space to connect with others in a meaningful, unhurried, authentic way.

Yes we’re still busy – working from home, looking after children, figuring out how to pay the bills – but above all we’re reminded of what is most important in our lives: the people we care about.

Love, Simone

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