We’re delighted and proud to let you know that our much-loved Katherine (Paterson) Williams gave birth to a beautiful, healthy boy, Jack, on Sunday 22 November 2020

We’re delighted and proud to let you know that our much-loved Katherine (Paterson) Williams gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy, Jack, on Sunday 22 November 2020.
Kat is already relishing her new lifelong, leading role to roaring acclaim.
In Aotearoa New Zealand, we have a Maori proverb:
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people
That sums up Incognito Artists perfectly. And definitely, the particularly special, always smiling, always calm, always lovely, unique light in the world that is Kat. We will miss her terribly. But we’re beyond grateful for her love and loyalty, her wit and wisdom, her naughty and nice, her HUGE efforts above and beyond, and for every daring adventure over the past nine years together.
Kat shared some heartfelt words upon her departure, see below…
Love, Geoff & Simone
Surround yourself with people who are better than you.
By Kat Williams
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” – Jim Rohn
They say that personal development is pivotal for most people in their 20s, and focusing on this can maximize your potential now and later in life. They say these are the years of forming your adult identity, finding your style of relating to others, and ultimately discovering what gives you meaning in your life. That’s a pretty big deal. Who you chose to spend these years with can have a profound effect on who you become, so choose wisely.
A close family connection and a fortunate stroke of serendipity brought me the opportunity to meet with Geoff, Simone and the Incognito team back in 2011. A place had opened up on their office team just as I was introduced to them and I was lucky enough to get the job. I was so thrilled. At the grand age of 23, I was naive, a little shy and slightly intimidated by the prospect of working with such big personalities and talent. But I was also excited to explore the exciting world of West End and Opera entertainment and get stuck in.
It’s been 9 years, 3 months and 8 days since I began my journey with Incognito. This company quickly became my happy place. It was a no brainer to stay there. The people, the magic, the music, the clients, the events. It was all so exciting. I never suffered from the Sunday blues that my friends were talking about and it was obvious that I LOVED what I was a part of, so my journey continued for much longer than I ever expected.
I still remember the first time I went along to an event to hear our singers in action. I was totally blown away. The talent that Incognito Artists work with is second to none. The office team are fortunate enough to be able to regularly watch our singers at our events and in some of West End and Broadway’s top shows and productions. I still get goose bumps from some of the songs that I must have heard over 100 times now. The performers at Incognito are not only incredibly talented, but some of the nicest people you’ll meet and I’ve been lucky enough to form some amazing friendships over the years.
The Directors Geoff and Simone have become my mentors. I have so much respect for all they have built, achieved and stand for. Both hugely inspiring people in their own ways. Once you get a taste for the culture and the values of the company, it becomes irresistible not to want to join them on their passion-driven journey that makes such a difference to so many people.
My growth at Incognito went beyond learning the skills of management, logistics, finance and people. Learning the ways and woes of the industry was invaluable, but more than that, the team helped me discover my confidence, self-worth and even opened me up to unearthing the meaning of life (that’s deep!). Discovering what brings you meaning is an important goal for anyone. This one goal is connected with happiness and personal well-being in so many ways. Positive psychology research shows a meaningful life can bring the highest levels of lasting happiness and contentment. Those who bring meaning to the jobs they have—who connect what they do to concepts that are important to them and feel that what they do makes a difference—tend to enjoy their jobs the most. This can be true for any profession.
If you have ever hired Incognito, worked for Incognito, or even just hung out with them, then you’ll know what I mean when I say their energy is infectious, their integrity is fierce and the talent is world class. They really, truly give a sh*t about every aspect of their work. They have the ability to give you a natural high on life like no other. The joy that the company spreads to so many around the world is incredible and so rewarding.
These guys have become family to me. They’ve been a part of some of the biggest moments of my life. They’ve got to know my own family and helped us celebrate so many special occasions. When it came to my own wedding day, I couldn’t imagine not having them there as a part of my intimate circle of family and friends. I did (of course) insist that Geoff and one of our tenors, Tim, also sing on the day, but how could I not? To have their talent there and not show them off to my family and friends? I couldn’t bring myself to suggest they take the day off, it would have been a sin.
These guys have always been there to support me, lift me and cheer me on. Now, I am leaving to begin what I can only imagine will be the biggest milestone, challenge and life changing experience to date. It’s hard to accept that this next chapter won’t include a daily fix of the wisdom, confidence, laughter and support that I have been so used to (and perhaps even relied on). However, thanks to these legends, I feel armed with self-assurance and an understanding of life’s principles; how it works and how it will always be ok.
So, thank you. Thank you for propelling me forward and helping me feel like I can win the game of life. I’m excited for the next chapter.
Rather than goodbye, I’ll just say…ta for now, toodaloo Kangaroo, see you later alligator!
Keeping shining bright!
I am so grateful.
Love Kat x
Katherine Williams
Sales Manager
Incognito Artists Ltd