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The Most Expensive Wedding in the World

On Saturday night I found myself in the Dorchester suite at the Dorchester hotel in London, preparing with seven other Incognito Artists’ Tenors and Divas to perform at what has been called ‘the most expensive wedding in the world’.


Luxurious venue, unbelievable decorations; exquisite flowers covered every inch of the walls and doorways, it felt like you were in a garden, let alone the glamorous Dorchester Ballroom. It was magical.

The incredible external and internal events teams had planned everything to perfection… the happy couple were living the wedding of their dreams, even having arrived at the Dorchester in a golden carriage.

Pop superstars and household names were on the bill: Dynamo the magician, Pink, Lionel Richie, Kylie Minogue, Robbie Williams… and Incognito Artists.

It was real pinch-yourself stuff. We were humbled in the presence of greatness with these globally successful musicians; Robbie hadn’t performed live in two years and we were there, privileged to witness it.

Can you imagine how we felt in that palatial Dorchester suite, waiting to go on after THAT line-up? Man, the nerves! I was bricking it!

I jumped up and… rallied the troops, felt the fear and did it anyway. I focused on my intention to touch, move and inspire the wedding couple and their guests so they were present to the magic of being alive! I knew that if I was true to my intention, I would deliver to the best of my ability and our hugely experienced Tenors and Divas would do the same.

Once I was on stage I relaxed into it, after all, this is what Incognito Artists exists for! We had an absolute ball and got the Groom and guests up, rocking out on stage with us, part of the fun, giving it large. We don’t sing and dance to our audience, we sing and dance WITH our audience so their experience of the moment is the most important thing we focus on.

I was reminded that no matter what elite company you’re in, we’re all unique and have our unique talents and gifts to offer. Comparison kills creativity plus your soul, there’s no point in comparing ourselves to anyone else.

You have to back yourself too, right! Don’t be put off by others’ genius or play small. Yes we all fell incredibly vulnerable and think ‘who am I [to do this]?’ Or in my case, ‘who am I to be in this line-up? Or to go last after all these mega stars? No one will listen. I’m not good enough…’ But as Marianne Williamson and Nelson Mandela said, ‘who are you not to be. You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world… we are all meant to shine’.

And you know what? Our client rang us two days later to say some of the guests thought we were either in the top 3 of the night, or at the top! WOW!

You just never know what difference you’ll make to people when you act authentically, when you give from your heart and behave in accordance with pure, good intention.

What a reality check, that being who you are really is good enough.

We all have a part to play in shining our lights in the world to make it a better place. Don’t let anyone tell you different.

Keep shining,



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