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When There’s Life, There’s Hope

Someone said to me my posts are too long. So this week I’m writing a short one to show that I listen, to friends and to clients.


I don’t like it, I LOVE it: I love Incognito Artists and I love what we do. Our mission is to touch, move and inspire people so they are present to the magic of being alive!

Our heartfelt prayers and wishes go out to all those involved in the shocking and tragic attacks in beautiful Paris (and every location in the world where people are suffering) which reminded me again that life is short.

RIP Jonah Lomu. Rugby legend and top bloke.

Don’t waste a precious second. We’re so lucky to have the gift of today so let’s really LIVE it.

Do what you love with the people you love!


The only way to do great work is to love what you do – Steve Jobs



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