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A word from the intern


A month ago, I was sitting in an airport in Los Angeles, California, mildly regretting my plan to hop on a plane to go live on my own in London for two months. I was going from being someone who very much loves my consistent home routine to someone who dropped everything to see what life was like somewhere new. Lucky for me, however, I came to London to be an intern for Incognito Artists, and it has been an experience more beautiful than I could have hoped.

My first day on the job, I walked into a very lovely office to a room of smiling, happy, and welcoming women. They were as eager to meet me as I them and I immediately felt at ease knowing that kind people would surround me for the next two months. I got to work learning about what my job would encompass and was immediately overwhelmed. In the states, my usual intern roles included organizing mail, getting coffee, and inputting data into very boring spreadsheets. Reading my job description here, however, I learned that I would get to create content for social media and blogs, learn more about marketing, participate in the event planning process and more. I was equally afraid and excited by this opportunity because I had NEVER been given such responsibility so soon in a job.

That first day truly was a sign of the magical experience to come. Every day I walk into an office full of intelligent, powerful, delightful women who support and challenge me to be the best I can be. I receive opportunities that while initially daunting, have made me see just how much I can do. I am getting this amazing real-world experience that is incredibly rare where I am from and I am getting it in a positive and enriching environment. It seems crazy that I have only been in this company for a month because, while I still have LOTS to learn, I am an active participant in the goings-on and I get to contribute my ideas and skills like I have never gotten to before.

If you take the time to learn about Incognito Artists—be it through their blogs, social media, or an opportunity to work with them—you will quickly find that it is made up of some truly outstanding individuals aiming to melt hearts, and blow minds. I watch this in action every day, but I also feel it each time I come to work. Incognito Artists has welcomed me into their family with open arms and has made my experience in London one that I will always hold dear. I never imagined that I would have such an incredible time here in London, but this opportunity has opened my eyes to what a joy it can be to go to work every day.


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